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Our Mission

Our values


We believe in the power of creativity in theatre and the arts as a force for good. Thinking, learning, and working creatively develops the essential skills young people need to thrive in today’s world.


We believe collaboration in theatre and the arts is the springboard to creating a better world. It’s essential for effective learning and global understanding. Our unique collaborative approach, the ISTA™ Ensemble Method, celebrates synergy and develops empathy.


We believe in the power of connections sustained through theatre and the arts. These connections form the threads that tie us together; to ourselves, to our histories, to each other and to our communities, nourishing our lives and those we connect with.


We believe community through theatre and the arts is based on diversity, equity and inclusion, nurturing every single member of it and giving them a place where they will always belong. Our global community is built on friendship, affirmation and acceptance.

Partnerships & collaborations

Our values-led collaborations and partnerships provide us with opportunities to work with world renowned organisations who share our vision and ideals. Working in collaboration enables an exchange of ideas and resources which enhance our work and creates new opportunities for learners, educators and artists.

ISTA Global Centres of Innovation

ISTA collaborates with a selection of partners worldwide to develop and trial new models of arts practice related to global learning and teaching through the arts. We collaborate with our Global Centres of Innovation to focus on a specific area of inquiry, creating innovative models through arts-based events and projects. The resulting insights, which reflect our shared approach to practice, are shared through conferences and seminars.