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ISTA Arts Academies

Centres of creative innovation & excellence

ISTA Academies are designed to enrich the creative minds of young people across the globe through high-quality arts experiences that reflect and contribute to ISTA’s mission, values and methods.

What is an ISTA Arts Academy?

An ISTA Arts Academy is a localised hub that operates under the umbrella of ISTA, aimed at providing sustained, high-quality theatre and performing arts experiences to young learners. Our academies are not just limited to theatre; they also incorporate other art forms, providing a holistic creative education. ISTA Arts Academies operate on the principles of the ISTA™ Ensemble Method, ensuring that all participants engage in collaborative, inclusive, and deeply enriching learning experiences.

ISTA Arts Academies can be set up and run by:

The benefits of running an ISTA Arts Academy

Whether you’re an educator, a school representative, or a passionate individual committed to advancing performing arts education, the ISTA Arts Academy presents a remarkable opportunity to contribute to a global mission in the following ways. 

Interested in becoming an ISTA Arts Academy?

If you would like to find out more about ISTA Academies or are considering starting one, detailed information, including eligibility, application processes, and benefits, can be found by contacting ISTA’s Director of Operations, Tom Scott.