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International Baccalaureate (IB) workshops

Training and events for theatre educators

ISTA delivers workshops that are designed to engage educators in rich learning experiences and challenging ideas about the IB’s mission, all facilitated by passionate workshop leaders with extensive experience teaching our IB programmes.

We are passionate about delivering workshops that not only engage educators in rich learning experiences but also challenge ideas about the IB’s mission and pedagogy. Facilitated by our highly skilled IB workshop leaders with extensive experience teaching the IB’s arts programmes, these workshops are designed to support you, the educator, in every step of teaching IB Theatre.

Our collaboration with the IB

ISTA is the approved global provider for the Diploma Programme (DP) Theatre, standing as a beacon of excellence since 2006. Our workshop leaders are world-renowned experts, including examiners, curriculum developers, and freelance consultants for the IB. With ISTA, you are learning from the best in the field.

Workshop categories

Whether you’re new to the IB, looking to enhance your current teaching strategies, or seeking advanced professional development, we have something for everyone.

Beginner: Introduction to IB DP Theatre

Designed for educators new to the DP Theatre or those at schools applying to offer the Diploma Programme. This workshop equips you with the understanding of the IB mission and philosophy, exploring the syllabus, assessment requirements, and practical strategies for course development. No prior experience with the IB is necessary.

Intermediate: Enhancing programme delivery

For experienced DP Theatre teachers looking to deepen their understanding of programme delivery and assessment. This workshop focuses on assessment tasks, criteria application, and preparing students effectively. Prerequisite: Completion of a Category 1 workshop or extensive DP Theatre teaching experience.

Advanced: Specialist professional development

Open to all educators, Category 3 workshops are for those looking to dive deeper into specific syllabus areas or seeking new ideas and approaches. Whether it's the Production Proposal, Collaboratively Creating Original Theatre, or Theatre Theory in Performance, these specialist workshops offer a rich exploration of advanced topics.

Benefits of an ISTA workshop

Find your next workshop

For information on forthcoming events and to find the workshop that’s right for you, visit our Event calendar. Your journey to becoming a more effective IB Theatre educator starts here.