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Our ISTA TAPS (Theatre and Performance Symposium) events are meticulously designed to deepen learners’ understanding of the IB DP Theatre syllabus and its application to contemporary theatre practice.

What is are ISTA TAPS events?

The ISTA TAPS events are a 3-day event taking place in a professional theatre venue or school and provides IB DP students with an understanding of how the IB DP Theatre course syllabus is applied to current theatre practice. It’s a launchpad for students’ explorations of the course and theatre. 

Participants have the unique opportunity of working intensively over the 3 days with a series of industry professionals, specialising in:

Working with DP Theatre students from different schools broadens perspectives, forges friendships and enhances all learning. .

We also offer bespoke TAPS experiences that you can run at your own school site

TAPS Perspectives

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TAPS Ignite

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TAPS Deep Dive

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Benefits of a TAPS event

I could see an instant change in how my students talked and reflected on theatre from attending TAPS. Their conversations about theatre were more insightful and in-depth. They became more aware of their own work,the choices they made,the steps they took as part of the process as well as the application of their research.

This unique opportunity not only broadens perspectives through interaction with students from different schools but also cements friendships and amplifies the learning experience. The transformative power of ISTA TAPS Perspectives is echoed in the reflections of educators and students alike, noting a marked enhancement in dialogue, insight, and awareness regarding theatre.

For a glimpse into the inspiring world of our past artists and companies, as well as a preview of the TAPS Perspectives journal, click below

Embrace the opportunity to redefine your theatrical journey with ISTA TAPS Perspectives—where theory meets practice, cultures converge, and lifelong connections are forged.